Home / Server / Download the Null’s Clash 11.158 Update (February 2019)
Download Nulls Clash 11.158

Download the Null’s Clash 11.158 Update (February 2019)

We have updated the Null’s Clash private server to the latest client version 11.158, adding new buildings, levels, and more.

Our team had to work pretty hard in early 2019. We had a lot of work, as it was necessary to update all of our servers. Null’s Clash was second in a queue and we are happy to share the new version. The changes affected almost every line of software code. But in the end, we managed to create the perfect server to play Clash of Clans without any restrictions.

Null’s Clash v.11.158

The new version includes all new buildings and troops. The new levels for heroes and defense structures are also available. You can upgrade all of them with quick commands. For example, using the “/sethero” command, you can upgrade a certain hero to the desired level. Workshop was also upgraded to level 3, where a new siege machine has been added – the Stone Slammer. We have improved the clan war system, which will allow us to add a clan league to the server in the future.

Main village - Null's Clash 11.158

Builder Hall

We improved the night village for the combat system, including selection of players – now you will come across equal opponents. But basically, these are already upgraded accounts which should not really surprise you. For this, use the upgrade acceleration commands, and to build bases use “/buildrandom”.

BH 8 on the Nulls Clash 11.158 server

Do not forget to install reinforced bases for defense, so you will have interesting fights. This is important for us, as we monitor the statistics of battles and constantly improve the battles in the builder hall.

List of updates (Null's Clash 11.158)

  • Updated the server client to 11.185;
  • Revised the list of commands and deleted one of them (“/make”), in the future there will be other commands;
  • Now the legendary league is available to all players;
  • Returned the “/sethero” command to all players;
  • Improved the clan war performance;
  • Changed the logic of upgrading heroes in the main and the Builder Hall;
  • In the future, we will introduce a clan league, or something similar based thereon;
  • Removed restrictions on the maximum and minimum number of trophies;
  • Fixed minor bugs;

For premium players:

  • Changed the “/uptoth” command and renamed to “/upbuildings”;
  • Added new privileges for premium players, they can no longer be dropped below 1,750 trophies;
  • Added a new command – “/buildrandom” – sets a random base at your base;

Download Null's Clash v.11.158

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